Although we still have a month and a half to 2018 to say goodbye to our lives, Forbes has already published the ranking of the most valuable car brands this year

Forbes publishes the ranking of the most valuable car brands of 2018

By year 2018 He still has more than a month and a half left to say goodbye to us forever. However, faced with this fact, the typical rankings of all the years are already starting to happen. Among them, you could not miss the one that publishes Forbes and how could it be otherwise is focused on the monetary value of brands . As is logical, the car brands could not be left behind, because like any other brand, they are part of the world trade universe.

In the list they published a few days ago , there are the 100 most valuable brands in the world in 2018 . Among the lucky ones there are all kinds, from those focused on food, insurance, health, luxury and of course, car brands . However, and although it may seem somewhat contradictory, they are not all they are, because of their value, only some have managed to sneak into this top 100. In this case, only 12 have been graced and against what many might think, not everything is what it seems.

1. Toyota ​​span>

Toyota ​​strong> is the first car brand we can find in the Forbes listing. It occupies the ninth place in this ranking, and although last year 2017 lost the world sales lead, here what matters is money. And yes, with a value of 44,700 million dollars a 9 percent grows compared to last year. In this way, it shows that selling more does not imply earning more or, in this case, it is worth more.

2. Mercedes-Benz

Four places lower in the Forbes listing (13 in the general list) you have to go to find Mercedes-Benz . The signature of the star is the queen in the premium segment, but its value is 34,400 million dollars . Regarding the year 2017 has increased by a remarkable 18 percent, but that does not help you to approach the queen of this list.

3. BMW

BMW would be the car brand that stands with the bronze in this close list, occupying the 20th place. The bayerische reaches in 2018 a value of no less than 31,400 million dollars , 9 percent more than in 2017. This figure places it very close to Mercedes-Benz, a situation that in terms of worldwide sales is the other way around. Another clear example that selling more does not mean it is worth more.

4. Honda

The second manufacturer Japanese that we find in this listing is Honda . The signature of the "H", with a brand value of 25,500 million dollars , registered an increase with respect to 2017 of 6 percent. The position he occupies in the Forbes list is 24 , marking a greater difference compared to his rivals. In any case, it is noteworthy that a firm that has a limited impact in Europe is capable of achieving such an assessment.

5.The signature of the four rings achieved in 2018 a value of 14,800 million dollars , a figure that many may seem little. Its growth with respect to 2017 has been of 5 percent, being the third smallest increase of the whole list. In any case, this figure is weighed down by the problems in America and diesel engines EA189.

6. Ford

In the post 42 is the brand that revolutionized the global automotive industry with the application of the assembly line. Ford achieved a value of 14.1 billion dollars in 2018, 3 percent more than in 2017. This growth is the first lowest on the list, a figure that may be due to the oscillations that have had their values ​​on the New York Stock Exchange.

7. Chevrolet

Chevrolet is the second American brand that we find in the Forbes list, specifically in the position 56 . By growth, it has been ahead of Ford, with 11 percent over 2017. However, by valuation is placed, with 11,500 million dollars , about 2,900 million behind.

8. Porsche

Many will cost you think the position of Porsche in the Forbes list, but the Stuttgart house has to settle for square 58 . The growth it has experienced compared to 2017 is 14 percent, making it easier to reach 11,000 million dollars . With a difference of just 500 million, it is located behind Chevrolet, a mark that could be overcome next year.

9. Lexus

Yes Toyota ​​strong> is the first in the Forbes ranking, Lexus , its premium subsidiary, is satisfied with the 69th place. It has an estimated value of 9.500 million dollars and the second lowest growth of the list with respect to 2017, 4 percent. In any case, it remains within the top 10 of our list, because the firm that closes it is placed at position 70.

10. Nissan

Complete the top 10 of our Nissan listing. The Japanese firm is located in the 70th square, and is the only one of the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi Alliance. The valuation reached during 2018 has been of 9,400 million dollars , just 100 million below Lexus. The growth experienced with respect to 2017 has been 5 percent , encouraged by the good progress of its Alliance.

11. Hyundai

Out of the top 10 of our list is Hyundai . The South Korean firm is the only one that has seen its reduced value , since it has fallen compared to 2017 a 2 percent . In any case, it is in position 75 of the Forbes ranking, to 15 positions of the next car brand. Its valuation is of 8.700 million dollars , figure that still is worth to him to be placed in front of one of the most powerful marks of the world.

12In our ranking it ranks 12th thanks to a value of 7.900 million dollars and a growth of 16 percent. Like Audi, the crisis of Dieselgate has taken its toll, being well below Toyota. Again, the example of selling more does not imply being the maximum value.

Conclusion to the valuation of these car brands by Forbes

To make the assessment of the different Forbes car brands, it uses several procedures. It looks at the stability of its titles in the stock exchanges where they are listed. Another aspect that measures is the profitability and the value of units sold in the world. In addition, it also takes into account the forecasts of its experts. All this results in this list, in which it is clear what we always say, "not always more, it's more" .

Source - Forbes

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